WSJ is still consistent despite Murdochs’ ownership

This sad crap opinion piece from their deep bench of tone deaf Neo-Liberal apologists and stooges demonstrates why we must be at late-stage Kapitalism, it plans to take us all down with it before a stake is put through its heart.

There shouldn’t be any “debate.” Firstly, if someone is so poor they need to sell a kidney, which shortens their life, then something is wrong with the society. Secondly, those who need a kidney or whatever organ it is, should be getting them from the dead. Lastly, the rich don’t get to cut in line. They’re less important and what sucks, nature also abhors a vacuum when a well-deserved asshole dies as there’s at least two others taking their place.

Case in point, war criminal Dick Cheney somehow got a new heart to carry on his attempts to beat Kissinger’s genocidal record.

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