Reason why Biden will lose #2

The poll numbers continue to look shitty for Grampa’ Brunch, however, I don’t sweat them and nor should anyone. The Bilary apologists just need something to crank up their litany of “So…you want Trump!” crap, the media needs eyeballs to sell ads because there isn’t any horse race and the Democrats continue to never learn the lessons from the past. Around this time in 1991, Bush the First was a lock and out of nowhere, he was defeated by Slick Willie, the trailer-park with an insatiable dick but with a Georgetown law degree.

Meanwhile, Biden is likely to lose since his four years in office are not terribly different than the other old fart. See above. And with him letting Israel tell us what to do, he will lose votes from people sick of Bibi acting as the petty dictator he and his father always have been and always will be.

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