1994: Valeri Polyakov leaves for Mir

Despite the Russians being demonized for their dictator’s invasion of Ukraine, we should not poo poo on its people’s pretty awesome accomplishments in moving the whole human race forward in Science nor Space Travel. On this day Dr. Polyakov went to the old Soviet space station to start the still unbroken record of the longest stay; about 14 months. It was his second and last trip. Picking a physician was a good choice for I bet he focused on what were the long-term effects on being in a near-zero gravity. I’d say the jury remains out. He passed away in ’22 at 80 which would lean toward the “good” column yet from everything I’ve read, it sounds like “bad” given how much bone and muscle loss astronauts encounter. What’s worse, even after vigorous diet and exercise upon their return to living on Earth, they never get 100 percent of it back. I would be a terrible astronaut too. At my age, I have to piss too often to my liking already and for a long trip to the moon, you might as well get NASA to invent a super diaper.

Obviously, Mir was replaced by the ISS which is also going to be allowed to fall apart. This was scheduled well before Russian aggression. I figure it was the victim of the usual fickle nature of the US government being distracted by another shiny object instead of focusing on the long-term solution the Chinese are now kicking our asses at.

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