Farewell 2019, don’t let the door hit you on the ass

Hell, I feel the same way about this decade. Sure, Orange Foolius only ruined it for three out of ten years but the Great Equivocator or Black Nixon did a shitty job during the previous seven too. In many ways, he, Bilary and Slick Willie were the NeoLiberal architects to let this happen. It’s why I am in Bernie’s camp, I don’t want a 78-year-old man to be president, nor do I think he has a snowball’s chance in hell given America’s ingrained racism and irrational fear of anything resembling Socialism. I back him to push the Democrats back to being the Center-Left party, not the Center-Right party it became in the Nineties.

On a personal note, this year was off to a terrible start. My life was a mess personally at home and work felt like I was on the rocks.

Work recovered. Home improved but the cracks kept pushing through every time I tried to shake this off: my teeth, Vixen’s totaling, fridge died…then the divorce happened.

Now I’m doing way better and I hope to share why in 2020.


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