A satire regarding all those hollow, suck-up, mercenary e-mails from Corporate Amerika on how they, we, etc. are weathering the pandemic. Maybe they’re already jockeying for position on the money Congress and the White House may send out in the near future. Last I heard it might be $1000/person via a direct check; with this administration I think they’re open to a box full of scratch-offs. I remember the last time the GOP tried their last two financial Hail Marys; the first was an advance on our 2002 taxes owed to cover up Bush the Lesser’s failure on 9/11. It probably didn’t work since the election was long after most Americans and their goldfish-memory would allow. The second was larger, a direct deposit to save Senator McPhony’s campaign for POTUS and to make us forget the Great Recession was the GOP’s fault.
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