When cats groom each other, it’s a great thing, it means they’re getting along and they’re cool…as cool as felines get; there will always be a little swatting, ears down and hissing. Besides Agamemnon letting the little tuxedo know he missed behind his ears, he’s being a good sport with the kitten’s need to wrestle. Trust me, my guy has at least a ten-pound advantage if he wanted to kick some ass. On the other hand, you’ll see there’s a quick, “uh oh” moment when he realizes the mother is nearby, aka London the Psycho. She may weight a mere five pounds but her tactic of charging at all the adults keeps them at bay, never mind how Nubby and Isis want nothing to do with her babies. Metztli and Vegas do find them annoying. Now it’s up to my Aggie to keep the peace. Teach these kittens how to be adorable so they will find their permanent humans. Given their anti-social mother, he has a lot of work cut out for him.
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