The first of many Intel-based Macs were revealed today. If there were a betting pool, I would’ve lost since my guess would’ve been the Mac Mini as the first since that’s the easiest and cheapest box to make.
Doesn’t matter anyway. Going with the iMac (the Apple PR flagship computer) and the high-end portable (formerly the PowerBook) seem pretty wise. The PowerBook was getting long in the tooth remaining with the G4 so it had to be moved to the G5 or something had to give. Intel definitely has more experience getting their processors into portable computers and as someone from Nortel used to say, IBM couldn’t give homes to homeless with their business plans.
Now before you start e-mailing me, asking me for my discount. You have to remember that customers who pay full price always get dibs on the new stuff. When enough of the orders are filled, then Apple allows us employees to buy them. It must be an optical illusion, but I could’ve sworn tha that the MacBook Pro appears darker in color than its PowerBook predecessor. Personally, I need to save money so I guess I will be holding off replacing my trusty ol’ G3-based iBook for another year. But an Intel-based 12″ iBook equivalent will be very nice.
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