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Tag Archives: Divorce
The divorce is now 100% over
The good news, we’re still friends because we want to be, not that we’re forced to as other former couples due to childcare or real estate. Even then, I think some animosity remains in those situations. I wouldn’t really know … Continue reading
The QDRO was signed by a judge, the nightmare is over!
Around lunchtime I received an e-mail from my lawyer’s office (yes, I still have to pay one) with the great news. We finally got a judge to sign off on my offer to Somara to get her completely out of … Continue reading
“Closed” on the house! It’s all mine again
With some convincing and cajoling, I closed on the new mortgage to regain exclusivity on my house yesterday. The title company agreed to letting Somara sign as long as she stayed in my car. Somara required some metaphorical arm twisting … Continue reading
Maggi Picayune back on track now
For starters, if anyone has been following the site and ended up feeling disappointed, I apologize. Same goes for those wondering why their RSS readers continued to show nothing new. I’m going to use the new month of December and … Continue reading
The Maggi Republic is no more, we are officially divorced
With a heavy heart and a good amount of sadness, Somara and I are no longer married. The final decree is in her side’s hands now to make this all 100% complete but for all practical reasons, purposes, etc. it’s … Continue reading
Behind on timeliness…again
Profuse apologies again. I got sidetracked by life, the divorce and just general fatigue. Now I’m beating down another cold thanks to the temperature plummeting 10° C (2o° F) over last weekend. Thus, I contract a sore throat and fever. … Continue reading
October’s usual festivities are suspended for 2019
I often look forward to celebrating three of the biggest things happening October which aren’t Halloween: Italian Heritage, Pizza and a silly thing FM AOR stations invented called Rocktober, a new story idea I wanted to cover, more on it … Continue reading
Posted in History, Italians, Music, News, The Site
Tagged Divorce, Header Art, Pizza
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It’s all up to the lawyers now
How appropriate on the anniversary of 9/11, the day Americans lost more of their freedom and civil rights. Plus the country continues to piss away billions on its 18 years of futile wars against whack-a-mole enemies. Somara and I tried … Continue reading
New month, new art and update
The divorce is slowly progressing as Somara is moving her stuff out. Kuroneko was relocated last week, going to miss that little butterball. We haven’t figured out what’s going to be divided yet nor who gets to keep exactly what … Continue reading
Had to fight a cold over the weekend
My recent lack of posts wasn’t sadness or anything negative I couldn’t control, just my health dropping out a tad warning me about having too much fun: The B-52’s 40th Anniversary show (more one day) and then the following night … Continue reading
So what’s with the mid-month header change?
After 20 years together and 16 years of marriage, Somara has asked to call it quits. Why? A gazillion reasons why on both sides and in some ways I was too cowardly to ask for this as my birthday present … Continue reading