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Tag Archives: Energy
Breakthrough on Fusion power but with caveats
Today the Department of Energy announced what I heard about over the weekend; there was a successful fusion ignition at Livermore National Lab. Hey, that’s near my brother’s house and a key research facility during WWII alongside Los Alamos and Oak … Continue reading
1977: The Great NYC Blackout…of the Seventies
Although I wasn’t there, in New York, I do remember the events adequately because it was freaky to my eight-year-old brain. My parents were watching a movie (Made for Each Other, had to look it up!) on CBS/Channel 3, WCIA … Continue reading
Tomorrow begins the “voluntary” winterization
While the GOP made sure they can dictate what women can do with their bodies, “urban dwellers” have a harder time voting and preventing children from learning the ugly truth about Amerika…they sure as hell didn’t do shit about the … Continue reading
GM to go all electric by 2035
To all the MAGAts, haw haw! All that screaming, bullying and so on from your Orange Foolius to lower mileage standards have failed. For a corporation the size of General Motors to finally announce this means they have planned this … Continue reading
1979: The Three Mile Island Disaster
For better or for worse, the accident that happened at this American nuclear power plant changed the country’s opinion about how safe this type of energy generation was. Thanks to TMI (before it became the abbreviation for Too Much Information), … Continue reading
Bummer on fusion news
Near the anniversary of the cold fusion nonsense, some operation belonging to Lockheed Martin may have made the news about their “breakthrough” on getting real fusion to happen in a decade. I knew it was too good to be true because … Continue reading
Another step toward cyberizing the house!
We finally got around to installing this cool device you may have heard of, namely a few weeks ago when Google acquired them. A couple power companies will give it to you for free if you want one; Austin Energy … Continue reading
Austin is number six, but number one in Texas
Sure the Right-Wing Noise Machine and their flunkies will claim the source is biased, the ACEE, and the publisher relaying this, good ol’ Mother Jones, but there is much evidence of Austin being more energy efficient than Houston or Big D. … Continue reading