Tomorrow begins the “voluntary” winterization

While the GOP made sure they can dictate what women can do with their bodies, “urban dwellers” have a harder time voting and preventing children from learning the ugly truth about Amerika…they sure as hell didn’t do shit about the power grid. I guess they would’ve been more concerned if those 200 people were fetuses. We shouldn’t be surprised since the last time this happened in 2011, former Gov. and ex-Sec’y of Energy Goodhair asked the Big Energy Providers pretty please to do something. Obviously they didn’t since profits are more important than consumers’ lives. Besides, the majority of the dead weren’t White People who make over $100K/year.

Wish us luck as Climate Change and an influx of Republican Californiacators will strain matters even more this upcoming Winter. Then try to stifle your laughter when Gov. Shitbag, Lt. Gov. Red Skull, Bush the Little Brown One and Sid the Redneck blame it all on windmills, the Sun, the moon orbiting Uranus and Critical Race Theory.

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