Check out my latest shoes!

This Christmas was pretty good to me. Not to berate anything else I received but I must flaunt the customized pair of Chuck Taylor hightops my three nephews Hunter, Wyatt and Canon made for me. I told them it was an appropriate gift on many levels. Not only are they my “trademark” shoes but 2008 will be the centennial of Converse and the 80th anniversary of the shoe’s appearance.

The left shoe is exclusively by Hunter. Besides the symmetry, it reminds me of my old Harlequin pair.

This is the inner right shoes design by Wyatt. An impressive demonstration of glitter on the bottom. The tongue was done by Canon, not bad for a two-year-old.

Now Wyatt really let his creative muse go to town on the right's outer side. Note the yellow bee in the field of red.

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