Happy 85th Birthday Stan Lee

‘Nuff said true believers!

I don’t think he has any plans on slowing down, he’s become the William Shatner of comics with all the projects he has happening.

Although I graduated to DC’s stuff and more mature titles, Mr. Lee was a big part of my childhood, filling up hours and hours of entertainment via his characters co-created by Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko and Bill Everett. Marvel was definitely dominant in the Seventies because I would race home from school to catch the various animated shows on Channel 44 (WSNS Chicago). Whenever we bought a comic book, it was usually a Marvel title, including their cheesy licensed titles: Star Wars, Micronauts and Shogun Warriors.

He’s a pretty interesting guy and even if you dislike comic books, Stan “the Man” Lee is responsible for co-creating some of the best known characters in the last 40 years.

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