This month’s musings and explantion to the banner

I think I did a pretty good job with PhotoShop on the SpongeBob Valentine for my banner. Decided to go with the easy motif since I was stumped on anything else eventful in my life for this month plus I dislike both teams in Super Bowl XLII; is there a way to have both lose since their fans are very obnoxious types in most personal interactions?

What’s with the “busy” thing in the banner? I’m not terribly busy but I feel February is, as far as months go: There’s Presidents’ Day (or Lincoln’s birthday in my old home state, IL), Valentine’s Day, Black History Month, Groundhog Day, events related to the Texas Independence War, Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday happen frequently here, the NHL trade deadline, the NBA All-Star Game and recently, the Super Bowl. Then throw in a string of birthdays: a handful of Somara’s relatives and people associated with my college days; and it’s the anniversary to when I moved to Austin (14 years!). Phew! It makes me wonder why February only receives 28 days. Even that Leap Day isn’t helping this year.

Just something stupid to ponder and stir up a discussion with. Again, a quick clarification to let everyone know, I’m not so busy that I can’t reply or something. My Seventh Grade teacher Mrs. Schultz used to say people practically brag on how “busy” they were in Christmas cards or casual conversations; I’m not or at least trying not to. She was giving this litany in 1980. Little did she know how much crazier it would become thanks to all the technical and cultural developments which followed.

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