Happy (Belated) Birthday Jeremy

This local friend of mine, his birthday always creeps up and surprises me. I do not know why my brain is locked into thinking it’s closer to the end of the month. I recall it’s around May because we celebrated at Fuddrucker’s one Spring and I gave him PHB2 as a gift.

Better late than never? Same goes for the current situation in the UK with their upcoming gov’t.

I have been friends with him for a decade now. We used to play D&D together (I’m semi-retired) but lately we share our season tickets to the Stars, something my wife called puck buddies. It took me a weekend to realize her pun which resulted in an “eww!” from me.

Jeremy’s a cool dude, a generous friend and probably a saint if he has handled me this long. Drop him a line if you didn’t like I failed to do.

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2 Responses to Happy (Belated) Birthday Jeremy

  1. Jeremy says:

    Are you sure we’re talking about the same Jeremy?

  2. Somara says:

    You mean you aren’t puck buddy Jeremy with the Zorg haircut? How could we have gotten that so wrong?!?

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