Mac App Store

This went live on Thursday (in the morning for us in the Western Hemisphere). I saw the sneak preview back when Jobs did a demonstration with the upcoming Lion OS. Initially, the reaction was “so what!” Agreed, software has been distributed via Web pages for years but I think the App Store captures the instant gratification element the iPhone/iPad equivalents have done so well. Besides, it’s nice to have some stuff at your immediate reach instead of relying on Google to help you pin down those obscure solutions you may need.

The bigger surprise and perk is that the Store remembers what was purchased. Therefore, if you had to reinstall your OS or you bought a new computer, you just log back into the Store and it reinstalls those things you purchase. No need to hunt down back ups, images or media! Very hand for people who get iWork and iLife through it.

I put my money where my mouth is with the App Store Friday by buying a game through it, Gratuitous Space Battles for $17. The jury is still out, I’m still playing it, learning how to build more effective ships (fighters are a waste) to win the tutorial conflicts. Obviously, I scored a free application called Swackett. This gives a more “accurate” take on the local weather by telling you what would be the most effective clothing to wear along with the forecast. It seemed OK until it told me today I would be best served by donning Superman’s outfit.

Tell me what you think, unless it’s Angry Birds or any kind of Farmville crap.

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