Somara goes back for surgery

Her day off will not be enjoyed today since it’s a trip to another specialist to schedule additional things to be removed. Somara is turning into the patient from the Operation board game! In May it was an ovary to put an end to the pain and eating ibuprofen as if it were candy. When this did jack-bone-nothing, putting a huge damper on our recent vacation, it was another trip to the doctor, scans, probes, etc.

Now they’ve decided to remove her gallbladder and we’ll find out what else…take out her spare ribs for $200! Don’t touch the sides.

Since we’ve already hit the deductible for this year, we’re going to squeeze this in. Will she be alright? Pretty much. It sounds rather routine stuff. I’m more concerned about the doctor turning Somara into an organic version of Bender as they keep removing parts. “Check it out, my wife is 60% storage!”

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