They’re not Futurama dolls, they’re action figures

Season Six of Futurama finally arrived on DVD, I went ahead and splurged on the Blu-Ray for the additional features (or headaches). Then I was at Toy Joy today, it’s where I needed to drop off my nephew after our time at Pinballz; and they had an Amy Wong and Mom…quick, what’s her real first name? I had to get the former as a reminder of the Trivia Team I was on that took third place, Kappa Kappa Wong and since I have Bender, who is evil with a lowercase e, I needed Mom, the show’s Evil character (note the uppercase E).

Now I wish Toynami would make a Walt, Larry and Ignar so I can make a little stop-motion gag movie of Mom slapping her sons a la The Three Stooges.

The death-ray gun makes Amy 30% cuter

How Mom appears in public to maintain her favorable image

What Mom is really like in private minus her cigarettes, thigh-blaster, cream soda and foul language, aka a futuristic version of Barbara Bush

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