Digging out, all is still alright

Last week was a complete bust in so many ways. Taking Somara to the ER and having her hospitalized for over a day was one thing, then coming down ill on my own.

It is rather irritating to get sick when one spends many days exercising, eating better (fruit as a snack), eating less, drinking more water and avoiding other things leading to a cold. Yet I continue to be knocked out. This bout was somewhat my fault though. I have been shaking off a cough since late July. I could never be rid of it entirely and its severity kept fluctuating. While Somara was being examined/medicated to tackle her pain-management issues (ergo, why it wasn’t serious), I came down with all the fun cold symptoms. I got through this but the coughing persisted.

In the end I saw the doctor and the current theory is bronchitis because I did pretty poorly on a exhaling test. After three attempts, my best result was 490 ccs. The nurse said I did fine, the doctor said no, at my age and size, I should be pushing 600 ccs. Great. I’m currently getting through all the antibiotics (no effect) and a funny inhaler (I don’t feel the powder claimed to be inside). I also had a chest X-ray, I hate those, they’re often inconclusive with a soft-tissue matter like I’m enduring. Oddly the doctor said I can keep exercising as long as it doesn’t induce an incapacitating coughing fit.

Good thing this is a short week.

I’m awaiting Somara’s doctor’s results for tomorrow. Her returning to work will be nice. Her being able to go to the movies with me will be better. The former does help pay for the movies. This year is going to be a tight Christmas too. I want to apologize to y’all ahead of time. The blasphemous/offensive cards were already paid for during the Summer, the gift element will be close to nothing since paying off her medical bills are a priority. We’ll make it up to everybody next year.

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