Depression bout #3 for 2013, continuing sadness

Maybe depression is a bit much, the doctor last week said it was more along heightened anxiety according my recent testing results. I should’ve studied harder!

Somara and I have had a relapse with the flu/sinus issues. I recovered first this time, she is still at home recuperating. When I get ill, I stay away from the Internet and get afraid to leave the house because I don’t want to be in the uncomfortable situation of being “caught playing hooky.” The doctor even told me it was best I stayed home to recover before doing anything else. Now I just need to have something to keep my brain occupied during the downtime, keep it from going on the hunt which leads to the anxiety, sadness and despair. Matters haven’t been the same after Molly passed away. I continue to miss my little cat bully. Miette has filled the void as much as she can in her odd, flighty way. The bigger temptation is not to adopt the remaining child of Princess Buttercup but cuteness is a kitten’s best defense.

Other gloomy facts came to light I’ve had to pull through on. Don’t sweat them, I’m practically over those.

I didn’t want get writing again until I was feeling much better and more “solid” from a few days of getting back into the Austin routine. It was earlier but Chez Maggi is currently behind the eight ball: hockey games, a nice cocktail party, work became crazier, Somara remaining ill and my cousin Dana is coming to visit next week!

So expect a brief flood. A little will be past due, some don’t have an expiration date and who knows what else I’ll throw up there. I am closing in on a few milestones: my 3000th post milestone since July 2005, 500 legitimate comments and a million words!

I only regret not coming up with a better theme/header for March. All the shamrock shakes I’ve consumed, followed a day of leprachaunorrea, was the best idea I could come up with.

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