Backyard Cats…epilog?

On Sunday afternoon we took Princess Buttercup and her litter to AHS. Originally the plan was to have the kittens go while mama would be spayed at White Rock. Given Miette’s medical bill, PB would be joining the children instead. It was a better fate.

The clerk informed us the kittens were going up for adoption because everybody wants a kitten when cat shopping (I disagree, I go for adults since they’ve been dealt a terrible hand too). PB would be returned to her turf. I asked if we save the city the money and trip by just taking her back. The clerk agreed and put us down as having first dibs for adopting the prolific breeder. Due to the overcrowding, the city is spaying Princess for free and waiving the adoption fee!

Now I know I promised Somara and everybody I wouldn’t adopt another cat until Miette passed away plus I remain heartbroken over Molly’s sudden demise (I’m welling up a little bit as I write this). However, this is an emergency. The dumb, negligent neighbors don’t care for this animal and the city has classified her as a common stray. PB digs me, especially when I hold her like a baby, she likes to nuzzle.

Sometimes animals choose you whether you want it or not. Damn them.

The plan now? We can pick her up Thursday night. Then she needs a better name, PB was a working title. I’m open to suggestions once I post her official photo. She has to live outside for the interim and has an appointment with White Rock in a couple Saturdays as per the terms of AHS. I am hoping she will prove that the litter box is a good idea. I think she’ll get along adequately with Kuroneko, Miette and Nemo because eventually PB will need to live inside.

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