RIP: Marcia Wallace


Marcia’s passing must’ve slipped through while I was out sick last week because her B-list character on The Simpsons was critical to its success. The show just won’t be the same without her voice for the long-suffering Mrs. Krabappel. I haven’t kept up with the cartoon for years due to us not having cable or going through the trouble to watch terrestrial-based TV. However, I was aware of the Ned Flanders development after Edna had finally tired of non-committal Seymour Skinner. Such a shame. I’m going to really miss that voice.

Being a product of the Seventies and Eighties, I was long familiar with Marcia through The Bob Newhart Show; everyone has learned that she played the receptionist for Dr. Bob and Dr. Jerry thanks to Nick at Night and syndication. I even saw a couple episodes of the short-lived That’s My Bush! with her as the wise-cracking maid to the clueless George W. Bush. I think Marcia also did additional voice work for numerous commercials and cartoons, she had a distinctive voice.

I’m glad Al Jean and the gang were able to give Marcia/Mrs. K a heart-warming nod. She now joins the well-loved Phil Hartman, Doris Grau and Ron Taylor.

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