Farewell weekend for the Bridge-Aggie faction

Enjoying the Stars not blowing their lead over the Admirals.

Enjoying the Stars not blowing the lead v. the Admirals.

By Wednesday my three Aggie-based nephews will be on their way to live in Qatar for the next five, maybe 10 years. I hope it is going to be a cool adventure. I’m a bit jealous since learning Arabic can be advantageous.

So we took them to Pinballz to have a last Saturday of games and then wrapped up at a Stars game. I figured why not. It’s not like they’ll see ice again but then again, those wealthy Arabs spend money on odd things in my opinion. I think the UAE has an indoor ski resort.

Being a good, computer-literate uncle, I made sure Hunter (the oldest) had his MacBook prepared with a bitchin’ piece of software called Day One. It’s my hope he’ll keep a journal of sorts about his time in the Middle East.


I’m going to miss those three, especially now that they were getting old enough to understand and enjoy video games, D&D (their PCs will be integrated into my campaign as nice, helpful NPCs), rock shows, etc.

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