douchebAggie: noun; a student or graduate of Texas A&M who enjoys cruel or sophomoric humor.
While waiting in queue for the Aquabats concert, a bunch of us were watching these semi-drunk Aggies hanging out on the balcony of their expensive downtown apartment (9th and Red River). They were giddy over their alma mater‘s comeback victory…I’ve heard those bye-week games are a bitch. To celebrate, they thought it would be amusing to dangle some currency on a fishing line, see which pedestrians they could taunt. Being downtown and near a homeless shelter was likely their inspiration in conjunction with the liquid courage.
Needless to say, it only fooled maybe one or two people. I with I had a pocket knife or scissors. I would’ve gladly given up my spot in line, walked across the street, stepped on the money so I could cut the string and give the dough to a wino as I gave those losers the bird. They give other Aggies a bad name via their behavior; I have my differences with my brother-in-law Aaron yet he isn’t a mean-spirited person. Same goes for people from other schools. These jerks were interchangeable with some grade A assholes I met at Marquette and UW-M, too bad one dropped out and became the governor of Wisconsin. They sadly don’t get a clever, handy title.
One pedestrian saw through their prank and succeeded to get the money. Applause from the Aquabats line followed.