New D&D minis to flesh out the world

From another Kickstarter, this group (or person) put together all these really cool pieces with a 3-D printer. They’re mainly things the players’ characters encounter so it comes in handy to have them on hand: beds (where the enemy is sleeping), crates filled with food at markets, racks, gongs (for evil religions!) and a surprise at the bottom.


Will you confess? No, no, no, no!



Mmm, casks filled with beer!



Someone’s “Personal Jesus” was here.


Get it on! Bang a gong! Get it on!

Get it on! Bang a gong! Get it on!


Before and after looting of these beds.

Before and after looting of these beds.


Lastly, an outhouse. Also known as a Troglodyte bed and breakfast.

Lastly, an outhouse. Also known as a Troglodyte bed & breakfast

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