UT takes down offensive statues

The above bit from The Daily Show back in May sums up my position about these Confederate statues. They’re monuments to traitors who fought against America. Davis and Lee are nowhere on the same scale as Jefferson, Washington or Roosevelt as the Right attempts the false equivalence argument. I don’t deny the Founders being slave owners which remains wrong, but they did much more to create America that lets them retain their statures. Much like Martin Luther King Jr. keeps his importance despite being a serial adulterer or Abraham Lincoln violating habeas corpus during the Civil War.

The University of Texas finally removing these White Supremacist/WASP monuments was long overdue and it was never appropriate to have them present at an institution of learning, aka a place dedicated to finding the truth be it Scientific, Historical or Existential. Statues of them are offensive to so many: Blacks, Mexicans, Women, Jews, Catholics, Atheists, Labor, Intellectuals and Yankees.

I only wish I were to celebrate their removal and to taunt the tiny-penis Ammosexuals protesting.

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