Been super sick and still super sick

What began as just sore joints (all of them) that I thought I could sleep off while taking it easy…transformed into something much, much worse and it’s a total pain in the ass. The doctor took blood work and x-rays with the conclusion of pneumonia. Hence, I’m still going through all the fucking cycles of freezing, severe pain (my head was going to split open), soreness and the sweats. The antibiotics, pointless if this is viral, and trying to stay hydrated via Gatorade is about all I can do while riding this through. I also blacked out a couple times with one resulting in a painful fall.

It all pisses me off. I just succeeded in a major exercise goal! Isn’t exercise an element we are supposed to be doing to stave off illness? It has regularity and it causes me to go to bed on a consistent basis? Hell, I could’ve done nothing, enjoyed more sleeping in and probably yielded the same result.

Let’s see how this ends.

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