Mostly recovered and digging out

Spent another week recuperating and a follow-up with the clinic. I was definitely on the mend, all that remained was getting decent rest and re-hydrating. I also shoo’d away my snowflake aunt who had no moral superiority to stand on when it came to Senator Lisa Murkowski of the Alaskan royal family. Maybe her children and step-children need to be informed about the truth on why she married my moron uncle. Never doubt the power of denial KKKristians have when it comes to their moral shortcomings as they shame others.

It’s good to eat again. Lack of appetite is one solid way Somara knows I’m actually ill. I don’t recommend it as a weight-loss plan.

Oh yeah, in my research, turns out the majority of pneumonia cases are bacterial so the doctor made a good call with the antibiotics. What led to the illness, I have no clue. It fortunately skipped Somara. Oh, how do I know the doctor nailed it? I stopped coughing every other minute. I’m still taking hits from my new asthma inhaler, maybe I’ll work on having the lungs of a 55-year-old adult!

Digging out is going to be fun. Work. Life. Paperwork for short-term disability which I have to file because I was out for more than three work days. The site won’t be any bother, I enjoy it even if the only person who says they read it is Matt, probably Lester via an RSS feed application. I need to get more contemporary on everything I’ve seen, read, watched, listened to, etc.

Sadly, Italian Heritage Month is postponed to next year. I think I will take the route of researching/writing about one every month in advance. Aha! Now I know which book I want to put on my queue while I mentally “rest up” for a cradle-to-grave biography on Thomas Jefferson, a cradle-to-grave bio on A. P. Giannini! With these days being the tenth anniversary of the Great Recession starting, or as I prefer to state more accurately, when the GOP drove the economy into the ditch, again; this time, they blamed it on a black guy instead of someone in a wheelchair. Unless anyone out there knows a good book on the great Italian-American responsible for bringing banking to the masses, I’ll just do a Google/Amazon search.

Thanks for toughing it out with me, this was probably the worst I’ve been sick since my immune system collapsed 19 years ago.

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