Notre Dame (cathedral) burns

The only person who was happy to see this happen would be the embattled, inept and “farts higher than his own ass,” French president Emmanuel Macron. It distracts the French public, including the large number of Atheists, from his failed leadership as the Yellow Vest movement won’t go away and he only represents rich people.

The cathedral’s luck was due to run out. It survived two world wars and the revolution relatively intact. Something was bound to ignite that centuries-old roof made of 13,000 trees gathered from all the land the Church owned.

The current news claims the fire was an accident caused by the people renovating the place. I think it was a curse left by the original inhabitants (a Celtic tribe named the Parisis) on the island Notre Dame was built upon, more specifically, their pagan temple. People forget how Christianity razed hundreds, thousands the holy sites of other cultures and replaced them with churches or cathedrals. It isn’t a practice solely done by Muslims (see Hagia Sophia and Dome of the Rock).

Obviously the French will rebuild it. The joint is a major tourism stop and its state property; all Church land was confiscated in the Revolution and never returned.

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