Exceeded 2018’s biking mileage!

Quite a week for personal exercise! First 500 days with the Watch completed, then a million steps for 2019 and now I have beaten 2018’s total of 1180.49 miles. It seems pretty impressive, given last year was when I really put more effort into the exercise-bikes at the gym. I had to switch to a different form of cardio because my fat ass (260-plus pounds, I know, sad) was killing my knees. Until my weight is much, much lower, I had to do this.

Anyway, 1180.49 isn’t that great. If you divide it by 365, it only comes out to 3.2 miles/day which is what I used to be able to run during my peak years, mid Aughts. Maybe to some it’s a big effort but let me throw in some other factors to show how easy it is. If you set the resistance to 1 and go with a steady, relatively easy pace of a lap on a standard sports track (high school/university) which is .25 miles/minute; you would be done in less than 12 minutes. Doctors recommend about 30 minutes/day. People go faster on a leisurely stroll with a regular bike going about their lives. My friends in Amsterdam would be laughing, thinking, “Huh, really? We do twice as much just to get groceries with a kid riding in a cart we tow.”

Now that I have achieved nearly 1200 miles by mid May. I’m planning to pull off at least 3000 miles before 2019 is done. This will make 2020 a nightmare if I want to beat 2019.

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