Another faux holiday from the Right/Kapitalists

Holy frickin’ crap along with BULLSHIT! The Trumpkin Dictatorship made the US State Department go on in a remembrance of Communism’s victims? Talk about how ignorant, partisan and un-self-aware such an asinine stance is!

Where to begin with the inaccuracies with such a lazy attempt that only successfully gins up the MAGA shitheads. The Economist of course has no shame in being the water boy for runaway Kapitalism as their standard apologist stance is (with a Thurston Howell III voice); well, it’s better than the freedom-destroying Communism.


  1. The Communism the West really agrees on opposing is the branch mostly accredited to the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China. This would include the Trotsky offshoot as well. I don’t see anyone in power remembering how the Mormons and Henry Ford ran experiments of such things or that Dallas was originally a Communist colony.
  2. This shot across the bow of course is a trying to equate Socialism with Sovietism which is dead wrong as the Scandanavian countries are kicking our ass. Even the more conservative English and French practice certain Socialist policies. America’s One Percent Caste doesn’t seem to mind it when the government is featherbedding their fortunes and enterprises, see The Great Recession, Police Unions and nobody is against free healthcare to Military Vets, except Republicans.
  3. I want to close by bringing up the BILLIONS with a B who’ve died under the various regimes that practiced Kapitalism and I’ll be generous by only going back to the 17th Century.
    1. Chattel slavery which fueled the New World Economy until 1865 and then some.
    2. Child labor which was legal until 100 years ago, in just the West. I’m older than OSHA too.
    3. Henry Ford and his goons which would go into his workers’ houses to investigate if they went to Church and their bank balances.
    4. Some of Kapitalism’s greatest hits: the Triangle Shirt Factory fire, the Ludlow Massacre, the Haymarket Riot (Chicago cops shot each other, not the strikers), just read a more honest history of the Industrial Revolution.
    5. Current deaths: Sara Lee’s listeria outbreak (12), Blue Bell’s listeria outbreak (3), Boeing’s new 737-Max (346), Toyota’s 4Runner (56), the Ford Pinto (27-180), tainted spinach (5), medical devices to alleviate pain (~80,000) and the current opioid epidemic (~70,000 and growing). The biggest whopper since its price tag is enormous, the unlawful invasion of Iraq (200,000+, multiply by 10 for the permanently injured), which isn’t anywhere close to being over. Not one person is in prison regarding these deaths.
    6. People murdered by enemies of Communism don’t count: Batista (Cuba), Duerte (Salvador), Marcos (Philippines), Hussein (on our side), the Shah (Iran), Samosa (Nicaragua), Pinochet (Chile), Suhuerto (Indonesia), Van Diem (South Vietnam), Franco (Spain, again, when he was on our side), the juntas of Brazil and Argentina (until they were inconvenient).

OK, sure I’m being a big bummer in the same vein as say Noam Chomsky or Bernie Sanders. Plus all who know me, I’ve never been a fan of Stalin, Mao, Trotsky, Lenin and their followers, is also a given. It’s just irritating to see such simpleton bullshit being made policy by thieves who know damned well that Kapitalism is a different form of slavery and it isn’t Freedom or Democracy’s friend. Its only freedom is getting a choice of which color your chains are. They can co-exist but we need to remember Democracy, Justice, Equality and Freedom should be in the driver’s seat, not Kapitalism Uber Alles.

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