1969: My Lai massacre reported

The world learned a year later about US forces slaughtering My Lai with its logic of in order to save the village, we have to destroy the village. It just piled on all the bad news on how poorly and pointlessly the conflict had gone.

All the lessons went down the crapper though. The architect of the massacre, Lt. William L. Calley, was released from prison in 1974 and he remains a free man instead of rotting in prison where war criminals belong. Calley received plenty of aid from General Westmoreland and Colin Powell (Calley’s superior up the chain).

Another case in point, Orange Foolius is constantly pardoning and interfering with investigations of our forces in the numerous wars Obummer failed to get us out of while pulling us into at least two more. The moron element of America will never get it through its collective thick, dense skulls that you cannot win in the long run with such tactics. If they really worked, the Soviet Union would’ve controlled Afghanistan easily since those people have no concept of “freedom” as Faux News explains it.

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