My car matches my teeth, redux!

Every great city has at least a couple drawbacks and after 25 years in Austin, I’ve finally concluded the one which pisses me off to no end is that you can never have a nice car in good condition. My previous two got dinged by some asshole’s doors within a year which I’m pretty confident was either a fratboy/susie or a MAGA-hat-wearing dickhole via their F-350/SUV gas-guzzling penis surrogate.

As predicted, my bitchin’ Prius got ruined within six months by DPS and/or a moron who failed clear all their wreckage on MoPac which I couldn’t dodge as I ran it over. Couldn’t avoid it unless I wanted to destroy another car. Pass. Once every 30 years is enough.

The tear is manageable but I suspect I need to get the ‘hole’ covered up as it might be a sensor in there. Oh yeah, another great element of the miraculous economy we Texans have, about a third of the drivers here are uninsured.

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