Twenty-six years in Austin!

Cripes! Where did it all go‽ One day I was driving through a light rain, listening to KNAC, trying to find University Towers. Now I’m middle aged, divorced but gladly a home owner. Still beats living in areas with Winter; I’d miss the change of seasons; yeah, keep telling yourself that lie!

It’s amazing how much the world has changed too. I’m talking about the details of travel. Cell phones were expensive and not widely available; had to hunt down payphones, leave messages on friends/family’s answering machine. The Internet was only known in small corners. I used travelers cheques in place of cash (I doubt these exist now). Mixtapes were played on the rental car’s tape deck since an iPod was a fictional device. So in short, my three-day drive had large pockets of me “disappearing” until checked in at a restaurant, hotel or payphone.

There are days I miss the ability to go off the grid. Pretty impossible with our iPhones being little Big Brothers/Tattlers. It certainly made my stops along the way worthwhile.

Will I live another 26 years? The Magic 8-Ball says…”Signs point to Yes.” Hot damn tamale!

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