Biden’s pivot!

This represents how Sen. Foot-in-Mouth is pivoting to prove he’s all things to all Democrats. Namely the ones too lazy to remember/research his shitty record in the Senate and/or those obsessed with the mythical “electability” needed to defeat Orange Foolius.

I remain in Sanders’ camp, not to be a spoiler nor do I think he’ll win the nomination. The objective is to make sure there’s a fight at the convention, force the DLC-NeoLiberal shitbags into taking up many of our causes in the platform. Plus, we get people onboard to hold their feet to the fire instead of getting another four-to-eight years of Obummer and Slick again. They, alongside Bilary, are how we were saddled with the worst couple Presidents lately…enough people said, “Why should I vote for the Center-Right candidate? They always screw me as hard as the Far Right.” A key argument I make for the Apologists. You need to think beyond winning in November. You need to remember how to govern and implement better policies to prevent another idiot.

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