1970: The First Earth Day

It was a nice try 50 years ago but then St. Reagan came along to demonize those of us who had the nerve to demand clean air and water. Even to this day, the FBI spies on is the Green Movement since Green is the new Red; it’s also why I ridicule those crap TV shows glorifying the gang that can’t shoot straight.

Anyway, I have to confess, in the Eighties, I wasn’t keen on this holiday. I was more wrapped up in myself. I wasn’t against fuel-efficient cars or pollution-fighting methods. I just didn’t put my money where my mouth was. I grew more concerned by the Nineties as Climate Change began to make its moves. Imagine how much better things would be if we invested slightly more effort then?

This anniversary got pushed down by the Pandemic and Orange Foolius is using the crisis to blatantly push an agenda which will kill us all. As if we’re not paying attention. I don’t think Biden will be any better; he’ll be dead before it’s unbearable too. Both of these old farts are willingly ignorant about coal’s decline, the rise of electric/hybrid cars (hydrogen may be on the horizon in my lifetime) and solar has made inroads. Now if we can survive the process of getting the billions of tons of Carbon out of the atmosphere before 2100, our selfish species might have a shot at getting to the Star Trek future we’d like.

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