First physical 100 miles by bike achieved!

On the weekends, I push the distance envelope with my (relatively) new bicycle. The long-term goal is to ride from my house to my job, approximately 7.5 miles one way or 15 total. When this shit show ends, the plan is the other way around, I want to use the showers at my employer’s gym. As of today, it was my house to the West end of the parking lot to what used to be Kiddie Acres or as I called it, Tetanus Land! Then back. So 8.2 miles roughly. This morning’s ride was super productive as I completed it all before 9 AM annnnnd I have now achieved over 100 miles riding. How do I know. My Apple Watch said so and I have confidence in it because of the GPS coordinated via the iPhone I have securely put away in my pocket.

Next milestone for miles will be 250. Can I pull it off before the end of May?

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