Everything is bigger in Texas…

…including the stupidity!

Newsflash from Idiocracy! Somehow CV-19 infections are rising despite Gov. “Shitbag” Abbott’s order to open the state back up two weeks ago! Hmm.

We in the People’s Republic of Austin are mostly ignoring his unscientific fiat by continuing to wear masks, carry out social distancing (mostly) and many of my favorite businesses remain closed. I’m sure the Republicans are disappointed that the mass grave they dug for us Liberals will be mostly vacant.

On the other front, the Republican/NeoConfederate-packed state supreme court has said “no” about mail-in voting. Nevermind “Fearless Leader” getting to with his “residency” in Florida and he doesn’t need a sissy mask. The Republicans are trying to repeat the Wisconsin playbook but with a different outcome. On to SCOTUS where the politicized five thugs (two of whom are rapists, one is a closeted homosexual) will make it clear how much they hate democracy.

At least the weather has been nice and all the people who are rushing out to get infected are Trumpkins, so we Liberals have those in our favor.

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