More proof that the GOP is a Death Cult…

…and they want your death, obviously not theirs, they’re not quite cultists in the Lovecraftian tradition. How so? This article here. Gov. Shitbag is rolling back safety measures and enforcement because he prefers to cater to a noisy minority suffering from Moronavirus than Scientists who said it’s too early.

I can guarantee you this, when the shit hits the fan, dollars to donuts, Gov. Shitbag and his toadies will be following the Scientists’ guidelines while we peasants get buckwheats. Hundreds are going to needlessly die thanks to the GOP’s Ayn Rand/Kapitalism worship. The Democrats have their flaws but none as cynical as this. If America weren’t such a self-involved, complacent society, this piece of crap would’ve been forced to resign or better yet, forced to flee for Mexico where his corruption is more acceptable thanks to his Ammosexual bodyguards.

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