Texas has to scale back, thanks Gov. Dumbass

It’s not a surprise that Gov. Shitbag and his underlings have had to pump the brakes regarding the COV-19 issue since they open things too soon. Cases are rising very rapidly in Texas but I have a suspicion it’s the virus working its way into the more rural areas. To be fair though, I share a chunk of the blame. Despite wearing a mask, maintaining some distance when I go places, I have been out to restaurants, bars, Pinballz, etc.; I probably should’ve stayed home more often than I did. I’m guilty of suffering from some stir craziness.

However, Texas has a very poor excuse for “leadership” and given how racist, stupid and shortsighted the dying majority is, it’s small wonder we have George P. Bush in a statewide job going full throttle for Orange Foolius.

Let’s hope the Lone Star State flattens the curve the best way possible.

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