Austin/Travis County will soon be screwed, thanks Gov. Shitbag

Yesterday, my adopted home area exceeded 70 new CV-19 hospitalizations which means we should be implementing something called Stage 5: everything non-essential is shut down or brought to a halt. As much as that sucks, I agree with the experts recommending this course of action. We’re close to overwhelming the area’s ICU capacity. To flatten the local curve, we probably need to have another month-long lockdown. It may hurt businesses in the short term but more dead customers and employees will be worse for the economy in the long run. Historians say the 1918 Influenza Pandemic contributed to the Great Depression and definitely the rise of Fascism in Europe.

The roadblock (more like cock block) is our horrible, idiotic, slave-to-Kapitalism, Republican, science-denying governor who acts like a monarch. He claims his edicts are based in Science (discredited) and he knows best. Obviously, he doesn’t. Along with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (a bigger piece of shit), he would rather have mass graves for non-White Republican corpses than to risk upsetting all the lobbyists representing corporations. Nevermind, his Covidiot base is spreading the virus through the god barns at a greater rate; I suppose the Jesus Freaks will get their own, separate-but-equal mass grave with jacked up fees courtesy of the crooked funeral industry. I know you shouldn’t wish for the deaths of others yet the top Republicans need to die of this to put a stake through their lack of credibility.

This crisis once again exposes the hypocrisy surrounding the GOP’s “local control” bullshit platform. It’s OK for States to ignore the Feds but Cities? How dare they disobey the Republican Aristocracy with their plastic-bag bans, light-rail systems for those without cars and requiring sick time for all workers in a large city. We cannot have good and/or humane ideas because it upsets rich people.

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