Recovered from what felt like an elephant trampling

Been working so hard to keep my health up, is that the correct preposition or term? Either way, how about I’ve been working harder to be well in these crappy pandemic times. One thing you cannot avoid in Central Texas no matter how damned hot it gets…allergies or symptoms matching them. Constantly coughing gives some people a bit of a panic but you have to quickly explain, you’re not having a dry cough (a key symptom of CV-19) no, a nice wet and phlegm-filled one which leads to a sore throat.

Jennifer came by to help out with her special remedies, plenty of Gatorade (fluids) and peanut-butter cups, the big versions. I think she was also worried that I may have come down with CV-19 given its randomness and rapid growth throughout Texas; thanks again Texas and National GOP. You may be responsible for more dead Americans than the our enemies in WWII.

What I hate the most with allergies is how I cannot focus. My brain races all over the place, making it impossible to do just about anything (caught the typo for a change instead of after posting!). It’s a no-win situation many days. I definitely need to step up my biking as keeping my darn balance sucks up the “mental oxygen” over what else is bugging me at the moment. As I told friends, riding a bike can feel very zen or similar to meditation or yoga; there were days in 2015 in which the latter was the only thing taming my constant, soul-consuming jitters.

Other crises are over today, namely, paying the IRS. I owed again this year. Boo! I won’t have to sweat them again until next April or given my luck, in the Fall because something involving the divorce says I owe even more. Sadly, the $6K I pissed away on lawyers wasn’t deductible.

Better yet, the weekend can begin and I just veg out with Jennifer. Sounds like a much more pleasant plan while my brain recalibrate to the Monday-Friday grind.

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