With the nod to Sen. Harris, the 2020 election is solidified

I’m no Nate Silver or political svenghali (sic) but I knew Veep Foot-in-Mouth would pick  Sen. Hypocrite Harris. She was the lazy, cynical, terrible choice this moron is known for making. Then again, I can’t recall any election in which America gave two shits about the VP pick, maybe FDR’s in 1944 which could be possible. The closest it came to in my lifetime was Quayle in 1988. Little did we know, being stupid would be pre-requisite for the GOP years later via Palin the Ignorant, Bush the Lesser and the Orange Putz. The only thing I can give the Establishment credit for was not wasting the spot on someone from a state they won’t carry (see Dukakis, Slick Willie and Kerry).

This terrible former Attorney General-now Senator has left a huge trail of slime the SCLM might actually pick up on. Her reversal on the death penalty, putting transgendered women into men’s prisons and being the police unions’ lap dog. Another thing naive Democrats/Liberals need to learn from us on the Left, Black doesn’t automatically mean a Progressive. Trust me, many Black politicians have their own little fiefdoms of power they use to screw over their predominantly Black districts and many of the older ones side with “moderates” despite people like Rahm Emmanuel (currently a Wall Street Sycophant) covering up murders committed by the Chicago cops. Also, if John Lewis was such a saint, why didn’t he groom someone for the future of his GA district instead of clinging to power at 80 and while riddled with cancer?

Oh well, back to my point. Harris is perfect for lazy, knee-jerk Liberals like Frank Coiniff to defend as they’ll play the Racist and/or Misogynist cards whenever you bring up a valid criticism of her past.

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