Howdy October 2020

I remember certain people saying we’d return to some sense of normality by now.  Did I believe it? Well…I was probably guilty of some return with limitations but I don’t think America is anywhere close as we’ve lost over 200,000 people. Europe is starting to have what the media is calling second waves. First, second, whatever, it all sucks ass. The upcoming election certainly isn’t going to solve it. I do cling to the hope that 2021 will be better, some decent vaccine trials will show results and South Park either ends since the “Pandemic Special” was as insensitive as it was unfunny.

Recently, I like to celebrate this month by writing about famous people of Italian heritage and despite how many posts I’ve been writing, I’m just not feeling it this year. I do have a few lined up yet the Pandemic distracts me while it simultaneously puts me in a fury to write. Same goes for National Pizza Month. I’ll probably be eating at least a couple pies and I want to redo an interview I did with a fellow “expert,” but again, the damned Pandemic has put a damper on it.

I’ll close with the newish header art. Jennifer, my girlfriend, is a huge fan of The Nightmare Before Christmas. I caught the movie on its opening night in 1993 and had a good chunk of the Danny Elfman soundtrack in my head. Jennifer wasn’t so lucky. Having grown up in West Texas, movie theaters (even in the Nineties) weren’t easily accessible. She saw it some time later and fell in love with the film, plus Halloween is her favorite adult holiday. Does this mean I will have a good costume? Maybe. It depends upon some joker dragging his ass and for once it isn’t me.

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