Meet the new boss…same as the old boss!

This chapter of never-ending elections and strife in Amerika is over…for now. It’s all over except for the crying, screaming, so on. Georgia qualifies for a recount and I think Wisconsin too but it may not be enough for Orange Foolius. I would love to see him being dragged out of the White House kicking and screaming as Secret Service agents hold him by his limbs. However, he’s a bullshitter. He knows when he’s beat but will find a way to spin this into some kind of moral victory like Palin did for years. Hitler regrouped after his time in a German prison.

The primary combatants will take a breather. Blather worthless opinions to the Punditocracy. Dust off their formal wear for the Inauguration Balls in 2021 with social distancing and polish up their resumes for either an admin gig (as I said above, the Left and Progressives aren’t welcome with the NeoLiberal/DLC’s favored candidate) or join the battle rooms for Nikki (née Nimratha) Haley 2024 and Turn the House GOP 2022. In Amerika, this shit never, ever, ever, fuckin’ ends. Believe me, ol’ Sen. Turtleneck (Hillbilly Land-KY) said the GOP’s number one job in 2009 was to make the Great Equivocator a one termer. He will use every ounce of his power to bring the country to a halt while thousands die and millions lose their homes. St. Reagan would’ve loved him.

I gave up being optimistic when Slick Willie pissed it all away for NAFTA which led to the GOP stranglehold on the House for 12 years. He only got a second term because The Newtster squandered all the Republican political capital on a temper tantrum and Dole ran on the often losing “It’s My Turn” slogan. Well, Wall Street wasn’t big on changing horses while they were raping the country too.

My point is this. Biden’s election is a push. The Democrats gained only ONE seat in the Senate and they will lose both runoffs in Georgia due to Jim Crow laws. Democratic candidate Ossoff is a known loser. I doubt there’s enough Black Girl Magic left to win even one spot, splitting the Senate evenly. If the Democrats were serious, they’d fire Schumer since his picks sucked and failed miserably, even where it could’ve been a slam dunk (Maine). Meanwhile the House gained at least five Republicans, mainly women and Pelosi has reneged on her promise to step down in 2021, the 80-year-old mummy believes she’s entitled to another term of failure as she attacks the future, aka The Squad. Funny, the Squad all won re-election easily AND gained a couple members. The divide in Amerika isn’t by party, it’s by generation, ethnicity and education. The only upside I can see is this might be the Boomers’ last influential election. Their vanguard is now 74. Gen Xs is in its fifties, the Mills are in their thirties and early Gen Z got to vote. From this point on, the three younger generations should start exercising its diversity and clout to overrule the failed policies of the selfish Boomers. The world is on fire and has been for years. If Amerika doesn’t right the ship now, we’re all screwed so count on this being the Chinese Century by 2030. I’m not optimistic though. Over 70 million Americans still thought a lying, bigoted, willfully ignorant con artist was better suited than a technocrat who may be slimy, yet understands how government functions.

Count on me to push Biden and his bitches to the Left. The Green New Deal and Medicare For All isn’t Communism. Remember this. There never seems to be any money for infrastructure, healthcare, schools and housing. Somehow both parties always find it for war, espionage on us, tax cuts and congressional raises. I’ll close with what Harry Truman once said and he was no friend of “socialism”, the GOP dog whistle for Stalinsim.

Socialism is a scare word they’ve hurled at every advance the people have made. Socialism is what they called public power, social security, deposit insurance and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for anything that helps all people.

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