May 2020 be the end of Reaganism and Rand’s rantings

I also wanted to post this because I have a friend whose daughter was assigned The Fountainhead at her school for English class. Like any thinking person who isn’t a greedy sociopath named Mark Cuban or Rand Paul, my reaction was “What? Doesn’t she go to a parochial school? Besides being a terrible writer and an intellectual midget who will never be a legitimate philosopher, Ayn Rand wasn’t fond of Catholicism or any religion promoting charity or compassion for the less fortunate.” Seems my friend had the same objection but was told by the teacher that the school examines it to inoculate  future Randy Girls or Randroids. Examines = pointing out how Rand’s selfishness has bad consequences. Fear not, mainstream Catholicism doesn’t promote ‘collective’ action neither since it shares the Republicans’ irrational fear of Socialism and Marxist writings. I think the school is trying to show how civilization(s) requires people working together, compromising and how were stronger as a whole. Trust me. Michael Jordan didn’t win championships until he stopped being a ball hog and worked with his teammates since scoring 40 points on his own still resulted into the Bulls losing by 10-20.

The current vaccines to resolve CV-19 weren’t developed by an intrepid rapist with an uncompromising vision (a typical Rand hero) but by teams of scientists, lab techs, admins, all both private and public employees who care about our safety. Trickle-down didn’t make the vaccines happen neither. More like the opposite because vaccines and routine things (mumps, measles, polio, etc)  are not profitable enough for Big Pharma in the West to develop like boner pills for old men with trophy wives.

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