Republicans send experts to the Border

A gaggle of Republicans chose to visit the Border (aka US-Mexico) for some “fact-finding” missions. They’re about several decades behind on giving a crap but hey, there’s a Dem in the White House so it has always been Grampa’ Brunch’s fault, or Black Nixon or Slick Willie, never the GOP. Hmm, I wonder where wealthy Republicans get their servants from? We know from numerous verified stories, Orange Foolius employed hundreds of people illegally with false documentation at his crap resorts, hotels, golf courses and other properties…knowingly.

To all the White Trash bitching about illegal immigrants: do you plan on picking vegetables and fruit for the insulting wages they earn? Or have you invented a robot to do the back-breaking work with your degree in Jesusology from Oral Roberts?

My apologies for the tirade, earlier this month, I listened to The Dollop‘s great story regarding a failed experiment done in the Sixties called “The A-Team” which coincides with this false debate. Obviously it’s not about the TV show starring Mr. T and Dirk Benedict. It was LBJ’s Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz’s idea which I think he also used to make a point regarding agricultural labor. Instead of giving American farmers blank checks on immigrant (aka Mexican) laborers, he set up a program in which American teenagers, preferably athletes, would help harvest the crops. Farmers, namely corporate ones, would clean up their acts by paying at least minimum wage, provide adequate housing and food, etc., because they wouldn’t abuse fellow citizens. HA! Firstly, the Congress members of the South namely, made sure football players weren’t involved since it would jeopardize their state religion. Secondly, farmers in many states turned the A-Team offers down to avoid exposing their historical inhumane treatment of Mexicans. Many did go through with the program and still treated the teenagers like shit. At least one group of teens unionized to fight back. They were fired, need to stop foolish young people from dabbling with Socialism.

Even before the Summer began, Big Agriculture in conjunction with the GOP and Dixiecrats promoted a campaign of bullshit claiming that food prices would skyrocket. It was their expected diversion from the real issue, immigrant workers are people and why is agriculture excluded from labor laws? Oh by the way, there were no runs on groceries stores, famines or price hikes beyond what inflation was running at.

So Senator Turd Cancun Cruz is continuing to utilize a 90-year-old playbook on distracting the dumber and more gullible Americans from actually thinking about America’s relationship with Mexico and Latin America. If enough people knew the truth, the majority would be properly uncomfortable with the working conditions we put others through so five pounds of spuds at HEB is cheap. Better yet, they don’t want us to consider how the bulk of today’s immigrants stuck at the Border aren’t even Mexican, they’re desperate refugees fleeing the ongoing violence in Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. The US and Russia have a responsibility to these people since their countries were the battlegrounds of our stupid pissing match known as the Cold War. After the Soviet Union collapsed, neither side remembered to collect all the weapons from our proxies and now thousands of unemployed soldiers have resorted to what they always have done since the dawn of civilization. Become armed bands of criminals, brigands, rapists and whatever since political ideology isn’t paying the bills any longer. In Japan they became the Yakuza. During peace breaks in the Hundred Years War, the French peasants (mostly) suffered whenever the monarch or politicians stopped paying mercenaries. “Decommissioned” navies are suddenly pirates. History just keeps on repeating.

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