Made it to the Solstice 2021

The Netherlands at midnight on the Summer Solstice

Jennifer isn’t a fan of the Sun since she prefers to hit the sack around the same time old people prefer to. It’s mostly due to her job as a nurse; she wakes around 3:30 AM and shows up by 4:30 AM. This isn’t all bad. Jennifer gets to punch out by 1 PM followed by a nap. Her situation reminds me of how morning-show DJs live, especially when they have to make personal appearances in the evening.

I told her, today her national nightmare is over. After this evening, the sun will go back to setting sooner and sooner every day. With Austin, sunset on this day tends to be 8:35 PM, much too later for Jennifer! Good thing we don’t live  in Alaska or Europe. On the latter, it’s hard to believe that the major population centers where many American ancestors originated from lived with such extremes in “lighting.” It makes me grateful to living closer to the Equator. As much as I would enjoy the Sun being out late, it would get countered by longer, dreary, dark days. I can’t handle the latter very well.

On to the Fall Equinox!

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