A solid piece on how America is heading toward Fascism

Jason Stanley’s piece in today’s Guardian will fall on deaf ears much like Bob Garfield’s two-part podcast about the American Right’s long game of 40 years to topple democracy. We know these two will be dismissed right away by George Will and Peggy Noonan as alarmist Jews, or in hindsight, Cassandras. Meanwhile, the Brunch Party which should now change its name to Weimar Democrats, thank you David Sirota, as they fiddle about letting a corporate shill “representing” a piss-ant state derail progress. The greedy mummy Pelosi and fumbling rodeo clown Schumer share the NeoLiberal arrogance of, “This is America! It can’t happen here. We have too many safety rails.”

Check them out, these two gentlemen articulate better what I have been upset about since the end of the first Gulf Distraction (1991); many Americans wouldn’t mind if we had a coup. Why? They’re tired of voting and the antiquated system we have only works for rich douches wearing powdered wigs. We need results! The pandemic has demonstrated once again now Liberal Democracy is a fig leaf for unrestrained Kapitalism. Should we get a strongman who will fix all the broken shit while letting us continue to go shopping and watch Netflix, the masses will be happy.

Girth Vader was just the final dress rehearsal after their previous beta flunkies St. Reagan and Dubious Bush laid the ground work by eroding the norms. If things continue to become more and more anti-democratic as they warn us: protests being made illegal, voter suppression, a right-wing hack SCOTUS…we’ll be really screwed when they install a professional Fascist such as Josh Hawley, Ron DeSantis or Tom Cotton.

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