A PSA Cartoon Network needs, Nickelodeon too

Of course, we now live in an era when there are certain morons who take offense at this illustration since, well, some Nazis were actually fine people. HA! This is a lie perpetuated by Albert Speer, the architect for Hitler who is credited for keeping the enemy regime in the conflict by a year with his skill at hiding factories from Allied bombers. Somehow it crossed the Atlantic and found a home within the eager KKK and other bigot groups in Amerika. I’m not naive though, my country was already infected long before Hitler was born plus the horrible dictator admired US policy against the First Nations and given when he was alive, he read about the Moros Uprising after the Spanish-American War, another dark stain. The thing is, WWII temporarily inoculated the nation when US soldiers were starting to be killed by the Nazis, making fans of the sick ideology suspected trainers, spies and saboteurs.

I wish some experts and witnesses were around to let us all know if it’s worse today than it was in pre-WWII times. Currently the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, the KKK and other creeps march around openly. When I was a kid growing up and all the way up to college, these assholes were on the fringe. Even the mainstream ranks of the GOP wanted little to do with them. St. Reagan made racism acceptable again for the party but they preferred to say those things in private. If polls are to be believed, a sizable portion of the Republican Party embraces them. Eww. I remain skeptical on Pew Research and others have “found.” I know numerous Americans are somewhat selfish and crave convenience, I just don’t believe that many are willing to promote genocidal policies to prevent the mythical “great replacement.” Should we be in situation along the lines of the disappointing and boring Amazon series The Man in the High Castle, we’d be cowed into complying. The first step we should take is not letting these Incels get elected legitimately or by force. Ergo, I approve of punching Nazis as per Indiana Jones.

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