No one expects the Spanish Inquisition…

…especially when they’re in queue for a drink at Sherwood Forest Faire!

Great costume with this gentleman but I stupidly got thrown by his headgear because I addressed him as “your excellency.” I think that’s what the French said with Richelieu, the cardinal who ran France since Louis XIII was useless and the common villain in every remake of The Three Musketeers. Anyway, he straightened me out via the punchline to jog my memory. I think Michael Palin wearing a WWI pilot’s flight hat makes things even funnier.

As for the Faire! We had a great time. It’s younger than the more famous, nationally acclaimed Texas Renaissance Faire you can attend in the Fall, so there isn’t as much to see or to buy. I didn’t mind. I found some really bitchin’ stuff, namely the item I couldn’t find last Fall, a nice, embroidered cloak. I hope to have nice pictures of it soon. Other items? A round counter for D&D made of wood, a funny postcard of Jesus if he were a Grey or Streib (alien), a shirt to go with the leather jerkin from the Fall and a potion kit prop I will definitely be using in my game! The best outcome, neither of us got sunburn! Always a victory after enjoying a wonderful, Spring (almost Summer) day in Central Texas while closing all my Watch rings and 9000-plus steps in Pedometer!

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One Response to No one expects the Spanish Inquisition…

  1. Nelson says:

    Torquemada? Tomas de Torquemada. You will not believe where I first heard of that historical figure.

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